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Foster Care, Tuition Waiver for Children in


This policy provides information about the foster care tuition waiver process. It does not replace or supersede Kansas statutes (K.S.A) and Kansas Administrative Regulations (K.A.R.). Please follow the links provided in this policy for additional information on how eligibility for this waiver is determined.

Applies to: 

Lawrence/Edwards Campus undergraduate students

Policy Statement: 

Eligibility for the foster care tuition waiver is determined by criteria found in K.S.A. and K.A.R. The specific criteria are made available by the Office of the University Registrar and by following the links provided in the related documents section of this policy.

The Kansas foster child educational assistance act authorizes payment of tuition and required student and wellness fees for eligible undergraduate students. This waiver may be applied through the semester in which the student reaches 23 years of age.

Students seeking this tuition waiver must submit the waiver form to the Office of the University Registrar. The waiver will be applied if a student meets eligibility criteria and the legislative appropriations are available for this purpose.

Students who have been granted this tuition waiver must remain in good academic standing at the University of Kansas and make satisfactory progress toward their degree. The Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services central office must verify the applicant’s eligibility status prior to initial semester enrollment.

The student will be responsible for other charges associated with the student’s academic program and living costs, such as books and room and board. The applicant may be eligible for assistance for other costs of higher education through Social and Rehabilitation Services.


Office of the University Registrar
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Kansas Legislature
Approved on: 
Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Effective on: 
Tuesday, June 1, 2004
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

K.S.A. (Kansas Statutes Annotated): Kansas statutes are all laws enacted by the Kansas Legislature. These statutes are published after the closing of the regular session by the Kansas Revisor of Statutes.

K.A.R. (Kansas Administrative Regulations): all regulations filed in the Secretary of State's office and published in the Kansas Administrative Regulations.

Kansas educational institution: any area vocational school, area vocational-technical school, community college, the municipal university, state educational institution or technical college.

Eligible foster child: anyone who is in the custody of the secretary and in a foster care placement on the date such child attained 18 years of age, has been released from the custody of the secretary prior to attaining 18 years of age, after having graduated from a high school or fulfilled the requirements for a general educational development (GED) certificate while in foster care placement and the custody of the secretary, is adopted from a foster care placement on or after such child's 16th birthday, or left a foster care placement subject to a guardianship under chapter 38 or 59 of the K.S.A. on or after such child's 16th birthday; and who enrolls in a Kansas educational institution on or after July 1, 2006.

Kansas foster child educational assistance program: the program established pursuant to the provisions of the Kansas foster child educational assistance act which shall provide for undergraduate enrollment of eligible foster children through the semester the eligible foster child attains 23 years of age.

Educational program: a program which is offered and maintained by a Kansas educational institution and leads to the award of a certificate, diploma or degree upon satisfactory completion of course work requirements.

Foster care waiver, Tuition waiver, Fee waiver, Kansas foster child educational assistance act
Change History: 

09/12/2024: Fixed broken link in Related Forms.
09/09/2024: Updated "campus fee" to "student and wellness fee".
03/01/2023: Updated contact section.
09/30/2022: Fixed broken links. Updated contact section.
12/09/2015: Fixed broken links (received comment online pointing this out).

Financial Categories: 
Tuition & Fees

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