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Semester Assignments for Courses


To describe the criteria used to determine which semester a course will be scheduled into for a given semester or term.

Applies to: 

Courses being offered by the University of Kansas.

Medical Center, Kansas City
Policy Statement: 

It is in the best interest of the University of Kansas to schedule classes into semesters and terms in a logical and consistent manner. By doing so, enrollment and fiscal summaries of individual semesters or terms can be analyzed and compared to each other with a high level of confidence in consistency. Guidelines: 1) Classes that start on or after the date the semester begins and end on or before the semester/term ends are scheduled in the semester/term as announced. 2) Classes that start and end between a regularly scheduled semester/term (i.e. a break period) are scheduled in the latter of the two semesters or term. 3) Classes that start in one semester or term and end in another semester/term are scheduled in the latter of the two semesters or term. 4) Classes that start during a break period and end during a regularly scheduled semester/term are scheduled in the semester/term the class ends. 5) Classes that start in one semester/term and end during the break before the next semester/term begins are scheduled in the semester/term the class begins. 6) Classes that are scheduled through three or more consecutive semesters, breaks or terms are scheduled in the semester/term the class ends. If the class ends during a break period, the class is scheduled in the semester/term that ended prior to the break period.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

Requests can be made to the University Registrar. Requests must be made well in advance of the start of the class and there must be a compelling academic or administrative reason to deviate from the current policy. Decisions made by the University Registrar can be appealed through the Provosts's Office. 


Office of the University Registrar
1502 Building
1502 Iowa Street
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Approved on: 
Monday, June 23, 2014
Effective on: 
Monday, June 23, 2014
Review Cycle: 
Biennial (Every Two Years)

This policy reflects the practices and procedures that have been in place at the University of Kansas for a number of years.


Class: A single and distinct course offering. Also called a section.

Semester: The Fall and Spring academic session.

Term: The Summer academic session.

Break Period: The time between semesters or a semester and the Summer term.

Class, semester, term, break period.
Change History: 

03/01/2023: Updated contact section.
04/17/2015: Reviewed and Approved for application to KU Medical Center by Robert Klein, PhD, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs - KU Medical Center.
Prior to final approval, this policy was reviewed and endorsed by the Register’s Office, Enrollment Management, Financial Aid and Scholarships, and the Center for Online and Distance Learning.


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