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Mandatory Alcohol Education Policy


To ensure that University of Kansas students are aware of the potentially harmful effects of alcohol and to provide students with an opportunity to identify high-risk alcohol behaviors, the University requires newly enrolled, degree seeking students under the age of 21 as of August 1st of the academic year to complete the AlcoholEdu program.

Applies to: 

All entering degree-seeking students, under the age of 21 as of August 1st of the academic year, on the Lawrence Campus.

Policy Statement: 

To ensure that University of Kansas students are aware of the potentially harmful effects of alcohol and to provide students with an opportunity to identify high-risk alcohol behavior, the University of Kansas, Lawrence Campus requires:

All newly enrolled, degree-seeking students under the age of 21 as of August 1st of the academic year to:

1. Complete Part One of the on-line educational program, AlcoholEdu by the established and communicated date.

2. Receive educational feedback via AlcoholEdu. The content of this educational information is based upon the student’s individual responses and includes educational and counseling resources in the KU and Lawrence communities.

3. Complete Part Two of the on-line educational program, AlcoholEdu by the established and communicated date.

Failure to complete the two parts of the AlcoholEdu program will result in the placement of an enrollment hold on the student’s record, thus prohibiting enrollment for future semesters at the University until the mandatory alcohol education program is completed.

AlcoholEdu will be available to all other KU-Lawrence campus students on a voluntary basis, and students will be encouraged to complete the program. In addition, the University will pilot an expanded alcohol education program for high risk groups and events.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

(1) Edwards Campus students are excluded from this requirement. For the purposes of this policy, Edwards Campus students are defined as students who do not have the Lawrence Campus required fee on their account in the term AlcoholEdu is completed.

(2) Students whose first term of entry is in the summer will complete AlcoholEdu with the following fall semester group.


Failure to complete the two parts of the AlcoholEdu program will result in the placement of an enrollment hold on the student’s record, thus prohibiting enrollment for future semesters at the University until the mandatory alcohol education program is completed.


Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Strong Hall, Room 132
1450 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, Kansas 66045

Watkins Health Services
Health Education Resource Office
1200 Schwegler Drive
Lawrence, Kansas 66045

Watkins Health Services
Compliance Coordinator

Approved by: 
Approved on: 
Monday, May 4, 2009
Effective on: 
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Alcohol, Mandatory Education, Mandatory Assessment, AlcoholEdu
Change History: 

07/22/2019: Updated contact section.
08/04/2015: Revised campus applicability to reflect that this policy applies to students enrolled on the Lawrence campus only.
10/27/2014: Updated to reflect the new name for Watkins Health Services (in the Contact information).
07/31/2012: Updated to reflect mandatory participation requirements from “All newly enrolled, degree-seeking students under the age of 22” to “All newly enrolled, degree-seeking students under the age of 22 as of August 1st of the academic year” effective July 1, 2009. Updated to lower the age for mandatory participation from “under the age of 22” to “under the age of 21” effective April 8, 2013.
07/31/2009: Updated.
05/04/2009: Created and approved by the Chancellor.

Student Life Categories: 
Health & Wellness

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