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Terminating Physician Patient Relationship


To provide a method of refusing care to or terminating a relationship with a patient. 

Applies to: 

All patients of Watkins Health Services.

Policy Statement: 

Watkins Health Services (WHS) may terminate treatment relationships with or refuse treatment to patients who have been determined to be difficult, noncompliant, otherwise incompatible with patient care standards, or are found to be ineligible for care at the health center.  All such terminations or refusals will be done according to American Association of Ambulatory Health Care standards.

Treatment will not be terminated or refused: in an emergent or urgent situation; for patients in the latter stages of pregnancy; because a patient is HIV positive; or if WHS is the only facility that can provide the care.

When it has been determined that a treatment relationship should be terminated, WHS will:

  1. Notify the Office of Student Affairs and the General Counsel’s Office to assure their agreement with the decision.
  2. Notify the patient by certified and regular mail of the following:
    1. The reason for termination;
    2. The date that the termination becomes effective;
    3. An offer to continue treatment for 30 days while the patients makes other arrangements;
    4. Referral information on other clinics, hospitals, and the local medical society;
    5. Information on the patient’s condition and that it may require continued medical treatment;
    6. Clarification that the termination applies to all WHS services restricted to eligible patients;
    7. A reminder that treatment by the physicians in an emergent situation does not re-establish the relationship; and
    8. An offer to forward copies of the medical record information to the new health care physician upon receipt of signed authorization.
  3. Retain a copy of the termination letter in the patient’s medical record
  4. Document the reason for the termination in the medical record
  5. Notify the Budget Officer in the Office of Student Affairs at the conclusion of the above actions so that the patient’s health fee can be forgiven, if the patient is a student.

Administrative Director
Watkins Health Services
1200 Schwegler Drive
Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Watkins Health Services Administrative Director
Approved on: 
Friday, August 1, 2003
Effective on: 
Friday, August 1, 2003
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Terminated; patient; relationship; refuse treatment
Change History: 

07/01/2022: Policy published in the Policy Library as a live text page.
04/01/2022 Policy owner and approver changed from Chief of Staff to Medical Director.
07/06/2016: Revised.
10/31/2006: Revised
04/14/2005: Revised.
08/2003: Created.

Student Life Categories: 
Health & Wellness

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