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Student Senate Rules & Regulations


To articulate the Student Senate Rules and Regulations

Applies to: 

University of Kansas students

The University of Kansas Student Senate
Kansas Union, Room 410 
Lawrence, KS 66045
Approved by: 
Student Senate
Approved on: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Effective on: 
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
student, senate, rules, regulations
Change History: 

06/27/2024: Moved Student Senate Rules & Regulations link to Policy Statement.
04/25/2017: Updated Purpose and Applies To sections. Removed PDF attachment.

08/24/2015: Updated PDF attachment, Contact section, and keywords section.
06/26/2013: Policy uploaded into the Policy Library.

Academic Categories: 
Student Life Categories: 
Events, Protests & Organizations

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