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KU Libraries: Fines, Fees, Lost Item, and Damage Charges for Long-term, Short-term, Course Reserve, and Interlibrary Loan Library Materials


When appropriate and in accordance with University of Kansas Libraries policies, library borrowers will be assessed overdue fines for late return of library materials or equipment and accessories, lost item replacement charges for seriously damaged or never returned (lost) items, and associated service processing fees.

Applies to: 

All users of the University of Kansas Libraries facilities, services, collections, and/or equipment on the Lawrence Campus including: 1) KU Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law Students currently enrolled through the Lawrence and Edwards Campuses; 2) KU Faculty (including Lecturers), Unclassified Academic Staff, Unclassified Professional Staff, University Support Staff, and Affiliates (including Emeritus and Retirees) currently in active or leave status in Lawrence/Edwards Campus HR records; 3) KU Med Students, Faculty, and Staff; 4) Resident and Reciprocal users; 5) Visiting Scholars; and 6) all other visitors. This policy applies to collections and services in Anschutz Library, Gorton Music & Dance Library, Library Annex, Murphy Art & Architecture Library, Spahr Engineering Library, and Watson Library.

Policy Statement: 
  1. Charges for Late Return of Library Materials.
    1. Each item must be returned in good condition by the date (or date and time) due.
    2. Overdue charges are assessed for each physical piece for the hours and/or days the lending library is open beginning with the expiration of the date (or date and time) due.
  2. Charges for Overdue and Lost Long-term Loan Items.
    1. Long-term loan library materials are those items checked out for six weeks or six months.  Overdue fines are not charged for long-term loan items unless the items have been recalled and returned overdue.
    2. The overdue charge for recalled items is $2 per day or partial day per item accruing to a maximum of $20 per item.
    3. When a long-term loan item becomes 30 days overdue, it will be declared lost, and the borrower will be issued a lost item billing (Notice of Fine or Fee) that includes the cost of the item, a $20 processing fee, and when applicable, the $20 recall fine.
  3. Charges for Overdue and Lost Short-term Loan Items.
    1. The overdue charge for short-term loan library materials checked out from 1 to 14 days, and not on course reserve status, is $2 per day (or partial day) per item, accruing to a maximum of $20 per item.
    2. When a short-term loan item becomes 30 days overdue, it will be declared lost, and the borrower will be issued a lost item billing (Notice of Fine or Fee) that includes the cost of the item, a $20 processing fee, and the $20 maximum overdue fine.
  4. Charges for Overdue and Lost Course Reserve Items.
    1. For reserve items checked out for 2 or 4 hours with or without overnight loan, the overdue charges is $1 per hour (or partial hour) per item, accruing to a maximum of $25 per item.
    2. For reserve items checked out for 1 to 14 days, the overdue fine is $4 per day (or partial day) per item, accruing to a maximum of $25 per item.
    3. When a reserve item becomes 10 days overdue, it will be declared lost, and the borrower will be issued a lost item billing (Notice of Fine or Fee) that includes the cost of the item, a $20 processing fee, and the $25 maximum overdue fine.
  5. Charges for Overdue and Lost Interlibrary Loan Library Materials Borrowed from Another Library.
    1. For interlibrary loan items borrowed from another library, the overdue fine is $1 per day (or partial day) per item, accruing to a maximum of $25 per item.
    2. When an interlibrary loan item borrowed from another library becomes 30 days overdue, it will be declared lost, and the borrower will be issued a lost item billing (Notice of Fine or Fee) that includes the cost of the item, a $20 processing fee, and the $25 maximum overdue fine.
  6. Replacement Charges for Lost Library Materials.
    1. Replacement charges are determined by a combination of publishing industry averages and specific cost determination by library content development experts.
    2. The replacement charges for an interlibrary loan item borrowed from another library are determined by the lending library.
  7. Damage Charges for Library Materials.
    1. Borrowers and other library users who damage library materials are subject to charges that will vary according to the extent of the damage.
    2. For seriously damaged material, the library may assess the borrower replacement charges, service fees, and maximum overdue charges, when applicable.
    3. Damage charges that do not require full replacement of the item are determined on a case-by-case basis.
  8. After Lost Items Charges Have Been Incurred.
    1. From 31-60 days overdue, if the item is returned in good condition, the lost item replacement charge will be forgiven. Any overdue fine and $10 of the processing fee remain payable.  The total maximum processing fee for all items returned on the same day will be $50.
    2. After 60 days overdue, if the item is returned in good condition, only the lost item charge is removed.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

This policy does not apply to Kenneth Spencer Research Library or the Wheat Law Library on the Lawrence campus or to the KU Medical Center libraries (Clendening, Dykes, and Farha).


Borrowing and request privileges are suspended if the borrower: a) accumulates a total of $80 or more in unpaid library charges; b) is no longer enrolled at or employed by the University; c) no longer has a valid KU Library Borrower Card. Individuals who no longer qualify for KU Libraries privileges remain responsible for items checked out and for charges incurred when library privileges were active.

Library charges must be paid promptly. Unpaid library charges are transferred to Student Accounts & Receivables for collection at approximately 90 days after the charges were first incurred. Failure to pay results in the loss of borrowing privileges, the placement of holds on transcripts and enrollment, referral of unpaid charges to collection agencies, and/or garnishment of paychecks, state income tax refunds, etc.

Approved by: 
Associate Deans of KU Libraries
Approved on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Effective on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Previously recorded in Comprehensive Fee Schedule, Paragraphs 19.0.000, 19.1.000-19.1.030, and in KU Libraries website content.


Overdue charges are incurred when library materials or equipment are returned after the due date assigned at the time of checkout or as modified by the recall process.

Lost item replacement charges are applied to library materials or equipment that have been declared lost, either because a borrower reports item(s) as lost or because the borrower has not returned item(s) within a specified time period. This charge covers the cost to replace the library item(s) for collections and equipment.

Service processing fees are a cost recovery charge for the system, labor, and supply costs incurred by the Libraries to issue the billing, handle user interactions, process cancelations and payments, and to process the item(s) being replaced.

Damage charges are applied in cases where library materials or equipment are not returned in the same condition as they were at the time of checkout (animal damage, fires, floods, damage to software, misuse of equipment that necessitates repairs or replacement, etc.).

overdue, replacement, late, borrowers, billing, payments
Change History: 

08/20/2018: Updates reviewed and approved by Associate Deans of KU Libraries.  Updated practices related to handling of processing fee charges; tested all links and added links to policy document and to library web content.
11/02/2017:  Updates reviewed and approved by Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services.  Updated links to KU Policy Library and library website content; added links to additional library content.
03/23/2015: Updated to reflect current nomenclature for Student Account Services.
01/07/2015: Added original policy approval and effective dates to the Contacts and Dates section.
12/01/2014: Added links to Contents for improved page navigation.
11/06/2014: Reviewed and approved for inclusion in KU Policy Library.
08/01/2012: Revised.
03/01/2004: Revised.
08/01/2003: Revised.
08/01/1999: Policy effective.

Libraries Categories: 
Fines, Fees, Lost Library Material Replacement, and Damage Charges
Library Borrowing
Library User Responsibilities
Privacy and Confidentiality

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