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KU Libraries: Loan Periods and Due Dates for Circulating Collections


To define and report KU Libraries policies regarding the loan periods and due dates for circulating library materials in the KU collections and for Interlibrary Loan items borrowed from another library.

Applies to: 

All borrowers of the circulating library materials from the University of Kansas Libraries collections on the Lawrence campus and for all KU borrowers of Interlibrary Loan items borrowed from another library including: 1) KU Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law students currently enrolled through the Lawrence and Edwards campuses; 2) KU Faculty (including Lecturers), Unclassified Academic Staff, Unclassified Professional Staff, University Support Staff, and Affiliates (including Emeritus and Retirees) currently in active or leave status in Lawrence/Edwards HR records; 3) KU Med Students, Faculty, and Staff; 4) Resident and Reciprocal library users; 5) Visiting Scholars; and 6) all other visitors. This policy applies to collections and services in Anschutz Library, Gorton Music & Dance Library, Library Annex, Murphy Art & Architecture Library, Spahr Engineering Library, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, and Watson Library.

Policy Statement: 
  1. Loan Periods.
    1. The loan period is the length of time an item can be checked out.  Loan periods for the KU Libraries' circulating collections vary based on a combination of library location, the borrower status (Undergraduate, Graduate Student, Faculty, Staff, etc.), and the type of library material (book, unbound journal, map, DVD, etc.).
    2. All loans are subject to the policies of the lending library.  Because loan periods vary by library location, all borrowers should familiarize themselves with the policies of the libraries they are using.
    3. Terminology - it will be helpful to library borrowers to be familiar with loan period terminology.
      1. Long-term loans are items checked out for 6 months to KU Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Affiliates, and for 6 weeks to Undergraduates, Law Students, and all other Borrowers.  Long-term loans are used for the Libraries' monographic (book) collections, for some bound journals, and for circulating materials housed in the Library Annex.  Eligible items can be renewed online by current borrowers in good standing.
      2. Short-term and Course Reserve loan periods range from 2 hours to 2 weeks and apply equally to all borrower groups.  These loan periods are used for Course Reserve materials, library equipment (including laptops, headphones, calculators, keyboards, etc.), some periodicals, DVDs, and microforms; some items may be restricted to in-library use only.  Most Short-term and Course Reserve items cannot be renewed online.
      3. See KU Libraries: Renewing and Returning Library Materials for additional information.
  2. Non-circulating Library Materials.
    1. Reference collections and other selected items, including some periodicals, closed stack collections, and more may be designated as non-circulating.
    2. Non-circulating means the items must be used in the library where they are housed.
    3. Collections in Kenneth Spencer Research Library must be used on-site in the library's reading room following creation of a user account, presentation of photo identification, and use of the Aeon system to request library materials.
  3. Due Dates and Times.
    1. Due dates and times inform the library borrower when the checked out items need to be returned in order to make them available for other library users and to avoid overdue fines and lost item replacement charges.
    2. All library users are responsible for keeping track of the due dates and times for materials and equipment checked out from the KU Libraries.
    3. Library borrowers will be informed of the due date and time when library materials are checked out.  You may request a Receipt with a report of the due dates as you begin the checkout process at any library service desk.  If you have questions or do not understand this information, please ask before you leave the desk.
    4. Recall requests change the loan period and adjust the due date for any items you have checked out that are recalled by another borrower.  All items checked out for 6 weeks or longer may be recalled from the current borrower.  The loan period is shortened to 2 weeks, and the new due date will be 14 days from the date of the first Recall Notice.
    5. For information about how to review due dates in My Account and about logging in for this service, see:
      1. My Account.
      2. Authentication, Identification Requirements, Barcodes, and Logging in to Library Services.
  4. Summary of Loan Periods for KU's Circulating Collections.


KU Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff, Affiliates

KU Undergraduate and Law Students; Reciprocal Borrowers

Resident Borrowers (limit of 20 items)



6 months

6 weeks

Bound journals published once per year or less

Varies by library location; usually in-library use only or if circulating, same loan period as books

Bound journals published 2 or more times per year

Varies by library location; usually in-library use only or 1 week

Closed Stacks

Non-circulating, in-library use only

Course Reserves

Varies from 2 or 4 hours, with or without overnight checkout, to 2 weeks; some items in-library use only.  Assignment to a Course Reserve loan period overrides an item’s permanent loan period.

Government information

Loan period determined by item type assigned; for example, book, journal, etc.


Most are 6 months or 6 weeks; selected maps are in-library use only

Media items (audio CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs and videos)

Varies by library location; most are 6 months or 6 weeks.
Art, Music, and Watson DVDs and videos are 1 week.


Varies by library location; usually in-library use only or 2 weeks

Non-circulating collections

Non-circulating, in-library use only

Reference collections

Non-circulating, in-library use only


6 months

6 weeks

Unbound journals

Varies by library location; usually in-library use only or 1 week

Accompanying material

Same as primary item accompanied

Annex circulating items

6 months

6 weeks

Annex non-circulating items

Non-circulating.  Access to items determined on case-by-case basis.
If available, will be in-library use only.
If not available, alternatives will be identified.


Laptops (4 hour)

4 hours with overnight; KU borrowers only

Equipment items not available for checkout to Resident and Reciprocal borrowers


Laptops (1 week)

1 week; KU borrowers only

Digital voice recorders


Varies by library location; usually 4 hours in-library use only or 4 hours with overnight checkout; KU borrowers only


Mac accessories

4 hours, in-library use only;  KU borrowers only

MIDI keyboards

  1. Interlibrary Loan Materials Borrowed from Another Library.
    1. The loan period for Interlibrary Loan materials borrowed from another library is determined by the lending library.
    2. The due date for Interlibrary Loan materials is reported to the KU borrower on the jacket attached to the item when it is checked out.



Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

This policy does not apply to the Wheat Law Library on the Lawrence campus or to the KU Medical Center libraries (Clendening, Dykes, and Farha).


Library borrowers who are no longer enrolled or employed with the University of Kansas or who have soon-to-expire KU Library Borrower Cards will receive abbreviated loan periods and/or loss of borrowing privileges until such time as the privileges may be reactivated.  Individuals who no longer qualify for KU Libraries privileges remain responsible for items checked out and for charges incurred when library privileges were active.

Approved by: 
Associate Deans of KU Libraries
Approved on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Effective on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Previously documented via the KU Libraries' website content.

loan periods; due dates; due times; long-term loan; short-term loan; course reserve loan
Change History: 

08/20/2018:  Updates reviewed and approved by Associate Deans of KU Libraries. Updated loan period policy for KU faculty, staff, affiliates, and graduate students. Tested and updated Related links.
12/22/2015: Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services has reviewed and provided approval for inclusion in KU Policy Library.
08/24/2015: Revised.
07/01/2015: Revised.
08/01/2009: Revised.
08/02/2002: Revised.
08/01/1999: Policy went into effect.

Libraries Categories: 
Access, Circulation, and Request Services
Code of Conduct
Library Borrowing
Library User Responsibilities

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One of 34 U.S. public institutions in the prestigious Association of American Universities
Nearly $290 million in financial aid annually
44 nationally ranked graduate programs.
—U.S. News & World Report
Top 50 nationwide for size of library collection.
23rd nationwide for service to veterans —"Best for Vets," Military Times