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KU Libraries: Renewing and Returning Library Materials


To define and report KU Libraries policies regarding the renewal and return of 1) circulating library materials from the KU collections, and 2) Interlibrary Loan items borrowed from another library.

Applies to: 

All borrowers of the circulating library materials from the University of Kansas Libraries' collections on the Lawrence campus and for all KU borrowers of Interlibrary Loan items borrowed from another library including: 1) KU Undergraduate, Graduate, and Law students currently enrolled through the Lawrence and Edwards campuses; 2) KU Faculty (including Lecturers), Unclassified Academic Staff, Unclassified Professional Staff, University Support Staff, and Affiliates (including Emeritus and Retirees) currently in active or leave status in Lawrence/Edwards campus HR records; 3) KU Med Students, Faculty, and Staff; 4) Resident and Reciprocal library users; 5) Visiting Scholars; and 6) all other visitors.  This policy applies to the collections and services in Anschutz Library, Gorton Music & Dance Library, Library Annex, Murphy Art & Architecture Library, Spahr Engineering Library, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, and Watson Library.

Policy Statement: 
  1. Library Borrower Responsibilities.
    1. To avoid overdue fines and/or lost item replacement and processing fee charges, library borrowers should renew eligible library materials on or before the due date and time.
    2. Items not eligible for renewal must be returned in good condition to a KU Libraries location on or before the due date and time.
    3. Borrowers are responsible for keeping track of due dates and returning library materials on time regardless of whether or not they receive library notices and are responsible for paying any fines, lost item replacement charges, or processing fees incurred as a result of failing to return items on time.  Items not returned in good condition will incur damage and/or replacement charges.
    4. For additional information, see:
      1. Section IV: Library Borrower Responsibilities and Section V: Care and Handling of Library Materials in the KU Policy Library document titled KU Libraries: Code of Conduct for Library Users.
      2. For detailed information about library procedures, see:
        1. Renewing Library Materials.
        2. Returning Library Materials.
  2. Library Notices.
    1. As a courtesy, the University of Kansas Libraries routinely send notices to borrowers about recalled items, forthcoming due dates, overdue items, overdue fines, and lost item replacement charges and processing fees.  The KU Libraries assume no responsibility for undeliverable or misdirected notices.
    2. For KU Students, Faculty, Staff, and Affiliates, notices will be delivered to the email address provided by KU.  For additional information see Section IV: Library Borrower Responsibilities in the KU Policy Library document titled KU Libraries: Code of Conduct for Library Users.
    3. Individuals with KU Library Borrower Cards, School Group Borrower Permits, and Summer Camper Borrower Cards are responsible for maintaining current email and postal mailing addresses with the library.  Report updates to the Circulation Business Office with an email message to libfines@ku.edu.
    4. For detailed information about library notices and borrower responsibilities related to the notices, see Library Notices.
  3. Renewing Circulating Library Materials from KU Collections.
    1. Renewal of Long-term loan library materials (checked out for 6 weeks or longer) may be completed via My Account, provided the items have not been requested by another patron, and the borrower is in good standing.
      1. All library borrowers may use a maximum of 5 online renewals for long-term loan items.
      2. After the maximum online renewals have been used, the items must be returned to the library to be checked out again.  Items may be checked out again as long as another user has not requested the items.
    2. Short-term and Course Reserve loan library materials checked out for two weeks or less cannot be renewed online and must be returned to the library from which they were checked out by the time due in order to avoid overdue charges and in order to check them out again.  Items may be checked out again as long as another user has not requested the items.
    3. Equipment items checked out for four hours or less cannot be renewed online and must be returned to the library from which they were checked out by the time due in order to avoid overdue charges and in order to check them out again.  Items may be may be checked out again as long as another user has not requested the items.
    4. Exceptions:
      1. Art & Architecture Library and Watson Library DVDs and videos may be renewed online once.
      2. Anschutz Library and Watson Library one-week checkout laptops and i-Pad minis may be renewed online once.
    5. Telephone, mail, and email renewals are not available.
    6. For information about how to renew library materials, see Renewing Library Materials.
  4. Returning Circulating Library Materials from KU Collections.
    1. Unless otherwise stated in the Exceptions below, all library materials may be returned to the KU Libraries walk-up book returns.
      1. Exception:  To prevent damage, return these items inside a campus library.
        1. Media items including CDs, DVDs, videos, cassettes, LPs,
        2. Fragile items,
        3. Unbound journals and magazine issues, and
        4. Microfilm and microfiche.
      2. Exception:  Course Reserve items should be returned to the On-Site Book Return in the library where the items were first checked out in order to ensure they are quickly available for other users.
      3. Exception:  Library equipment, including laptops, headphones, calculators, etc. should be returned to a staff member at the service desk from which the items were first checked out.
      4. Exception:  Return Map items to the T.R. Smith Maps Collection in Anschutz Library.
    2. All library materials may be returned to the On-Site book returns inside each library.
    3. For information about the location of outdoor book returns and on-site library locations for returning library materials, see Returning Library Materials.
    4. Mail or delivery service returns.
      1. The KU Libraries will accept the postmark or shipping date as the return date for KU Libraries materials.  The borrower remains responsible for the items until they are received in good condition in the KU Libraries.
      2. See Mail or Delivery Service Returns in Returning Library Materials for the correct mailing address.
  5. Renewing and Returning Interlibrary Loan Items Borrowed from Another Library.
    1. Renewals.
      1. Interlibrary Loan items borrowed from another library cannot be renewed online using My Account.
      2. The lending library determines whether borrowed items can be renewed.
      3. For information about how to determine if Interlibrary Loan items borrowed from another library can be renewed, see Renewing Interlibrary Loan Items Borrowed from Another Library at Renewing Library Materials.
    2. Returns.
      1. Interlibrary Loan items borrowed from another library must be returned by the due date in order to avoid overdue charges.
      2. For information about the location of outdoor walk-up book returns and the on-site library locations for returning Interlibrary Loan items borrowed from another library, see Returning Library Materials.
  6. Non-circulating Collections.
    1. Reference collections and other selected items, including some periodicals, closed stack collections, items in fragile condition, and more may be designated as non-circulating.
      1. Non-circulating means the items must be used in the library where they are housed.
      2. On the rare occasion that exceptions are made to allow non-circulating items to be checked out and removed from the library, they cannot be renewed online and must be returned to the library location from which they were checked out by the due date and time in order to avoid overdue and/or lost item replacement charges.
    2. Collections in Kenneth Spencer Research Library must be used on-site in the library's reading room following creation of a user account, presentation of photo identification, and use of the Aeon system to request library materials.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

This policy does not apply to the Wheat Law Library on the Lawrence campus or to the KU Medical Center libraries (Clendening, Dykes, and Farha).


Library users who fail to adhere to library policies for renewing and returning library materials in good condition will incur overdue fines, lost item replacement charges, and processing fees that result in suspension of library privileges, the placement of holds on transcripts and enrollment, referral of unpaid charges to collection agencies, and/or garnishment of paychecks, state income tax refunds, etc.  Items returned in damaged condition will incur damage charges for repair and/or replacement of the damaged items.  Individuals who no longer qualify for KU Libraries privileges remain responsible for items checked out and for charges incurred when library privileges were active.


University of Kansas Libraries
1425 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Asking Questions about KU Libraries Policies and Procedures

Approved by: 
Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services
Approved on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Effective on: 
Sunday, August 1, 1999
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Previously documented via the KU Libraries' website content.


Good standing is defined as an individual who is currently qualified as eligible for borrowing privileges with the University of Kansas Libraries and owes less than $80 in outstanding charges to the University of Kansas Libraries.

Returning items in good condition means that items remain in the same condition as they were at the time the current borrower checked them out.

Renewals, returns, library
Change History: 
12/10/2024: Updated broken link and formatting. 
12/22/2015:  Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services has reviewed and approved for inclusion in KU Policy Library
05/15/2006:  revised
08/01/1999:  policy approved and effective
Libraries Categories: 
Access, Circulation, and Request Services
Code of Conduct
Library Borrowing
Library User Responsibilities
Other (Non-KU) Library Users

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One of 34 U.S. public institutions in the prestigious Association of American Universities
Nearly $290 million in financial aid annually
44 nationally ranked graduate programs.
—U.S. News & World Report
Top 50 nationwide for size of library collection.
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