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KU Edwards Space Planning and Allocation


To set forth space policy, management responsibilities, space allocation criteria and reporting requirements.

Applies to: 

KU Edwards Campus faculty, staff, instructional staff, and students as well as academic and administrative units physically located on the Edwards Campus.

Policy Statement: 

For KU Edwards Campus to achieve its mission, it is essential to maximize the use of all available assets. This policy is intended to assist in the management of space in an efficient and effective manner.  The goal is to be fair, consistent, sufficiently flexible and transparent to enable the securing of space for all campus units.  

The Dean of Edwards Campus has overall responsibility for the equitable and optimal use of space resources with final authority over all Edwards Campus space assignments and designations.  The Dean chairs the Space Advisory Committee made up of the Associate Deans; the Assistant Dean; the Director of Admin & Fiscal Services, the Director of Marketing and Public Relations, the Director of Community Relations and Business Development, and the Chief of Staff. The Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration analyzes and makes recommendations for all types of instructional, administrative, and research space (classrooms, labs, etc.). The Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration coordinates the functions of the Space Advisory Committee, facilitates the Space Advisory meetings, and chairs and facilitates the Space Implementation Committee, as needed. 

Space is allocated on the basis of academic and institutional priorities and programmatic needs.  

Administrative Space 

Administrative space may be reallocated if/when needs or priorities change. The top priority for on-campus space will be given to the following groups: 

  1. Faculty members and instructional personnel for credit and Jayhawk Global programs as documented by program leadership.  Space can be allocated as regular office space or as temporary office space (hoteling). 
  2. Staff who support campus services and engage in administrative operations. 
  3. Storage space for units as needed by their program and based on availability. 

In addition, temporary (two hours at a time is preferred) office “hoteling” space may be provided to faculty and instructional staff on a first come, first serve space available basis.  Guidelines and procedures for requesting hoteling space can be found in Appendix II. 

Administrative space will be allocated using the following criteria: 

  • Program need 
  • Job responsibilities 
  • Responsibilities will provide criteria to determine the need for private office space.  These criteria will include: 
    • Use of confidential materials (personally identifiable information as defined by federal law). 
    • Need for confidential in-person or electronic communication meetings. 
    • Communication needs of the position, particularly time spent on the phone. 
    • Need for concentrated quiet time for detailed or intellectual work.    
  •  Extent of presence on the campus 
  • Instructional needs of credit and Jayhawk Global programs 

The Center for Faculty and Academic Administration is responsible for keeping an up-to-date inventory and allocation of administrative space. 

Classroom Space 

Classrooms are assigned according to the type of room needed, the size of the class and the instructional needs of the class.  Programs are not given designated classroom space.  The Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration is responsible for the ultimate allocation of classroom space.    

Instructional Lab Space 

Instructional lab space includes science and computer labs and is allocated on a program need basis by the Space Advisory Committee. Lab space is reserved for KU instructional activities (credit and non-credit).  Programs may be assigned a lab space on an ongoing basis and may be expected to contribute to the cost of that lab space.  The Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration is responsible for the allocation of all science and computer labs, including classroom labs, open computing labs and laptop carts. 

Research Space 

Research space at the campus is assigned based on the following criteria: 

  • The Research is conducted by campus resident faculty or faculty related to an Edwards Campus program. 
  •  Space available is conducive to the research purpose. 
  • Utilization of the space enhances the campus learning environment or contributes to an existing academic program. 

Requests for research space will be evaluated by the Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration and then a recommendation will be presented to the Space Advisory Committee. 

Appendix I 

Space Allocation Procedures 

The following procedures have been developed to assure that faculty and staff know where and how to make requests for space and what the decision process entails.  

Requests for new or reallocation of space: 

  • Requests for new or reallocation of space must be submitted in written form to the Edwards Campus Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration through kuec_cfaa@ku.edu.  
  • Every attempt should be made to submit requests at least three months prior to space being required.  Anticipated time frame for responses to space requests is 4-6 weeks. 
  • Each space request should include information about the allocation of space currently assigned to the unit.   
    • Space requests will be reviewed and recommendations will be made as listed below:
      • Space requests from academic credit program units will be analyzed by the Associate Dean of the Faculty and Academic Administration. 
      • Space requests for allocation of classroom space outside of academic credit programs will be analyzed by the Associate Dean of the Faculty and Academic Administration and the Director of Administrative Services. 
      • Space requests for allocation of research space will be analyzed by the Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and Director of Research and Innovation. 
      • Space for events is managed by the Assistant Director of Administrative Services.  
  • The Space Advisory Committee will review all space requests and recommendations lodged and make a final recommendation to the Dean.    
  • Once the Dean has made a decision, that decision will be shared with the requestor by the Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration. 


Appendix II 

Instructional Hoteling Space Process and Procedure 

  • Space requests for instructor hoteling should be forwarded to the Assistant Director of Administrative Services. An instructor is scheduled a space from the following criteria: 
  • An office to meet privately with students 
  • A cubicle if the need is for class preparation 
  • Office hoteling is located in BEST 270 
  • Instructors are allowed up to 2 hours of office/cubicle time per class, per week. 
  • All hoteling is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Appendix III 

Academic Credit Program Classroom Assignment Process and Procedure 

KU course classroom assignments are coordinated through the Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration and the Assistant Director of Administrative Services after program-designated scheduler request them through the Registrar’s classroom assignment software.  When exceptions are needed, the scheduler sends an email request to the Assistant Director of Administrative Services with the time, day and technology classroom requirements. The KU Registrar’s Office will update the class schedule based on the new classroom assignment information provided by the KU Edwards Campus Assistant Director of Administrative Services.


KU Edwards Associate Dean of Faculty and Academic Administration 

Approved by: 
Vice Chancellor of KU Edwards Campus
Approved on: 
Friday, March 27, 2015
Effective on: 
Friday, March 27, 2015
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
instruction, academic, Jayhawk Global, administrative, research, storage, hoteling, annual space program statement, Space Advisory Committee
Change History: 

02/15/2023: References to Lifelong and Professional Education updated to Jayhawk Global.
02/08/2021: Updated position titles and position responsibilities.
07/01/2019: Added Space Coordinator responsibilities; added detailed information about how administrative, classroom, instructional lab and research space are allocated and who is responsible for those allocation decisions; removed building priority section.
07/21/2016: Policy formatting cleanup (moved Review, Approval & Change History information into chronological order). Updated URL pathway settings.
5/24/2016: Language changed to gender neutral; Space Advisory Committee membership updated; Use of Regents Center 131 by students removed; phones as a faculty resource in Regents Center 131 removed.
01/07/2016: Appendix III added-Approved by Edwards Campus Policy & Procedures Committee and David Cook, Vice Chancellor of the Edwards Campus.
04/13/2015: Policy added to the KU Policy Library.
03/27/2015: New policy approved by David Cook, Vice Chancellor of the Edwards Campus.

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