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  • Classroom Maintenance Policy

The purpose of this operating policy/procedure is to clarify for deans, directors and chairpersons the maintenance and housekeeping responsibilities associated with centrally scheduled classrooms, Departmental classrooms and media classrooms.

Applies to: 

Deans, directors, and chairpersons of the University of Kansas

Policy Statement: 

The following tables list the maintenance responsibilities for the types of classrooms defined above:

Facilities Services responsibilities for centrally scheduled, media, and departmental classrooms include: Departmental/School responsibilities for departmental classrooms include:
Routine custodial services Enhancement of services
Routine services or maintenance Remodeling/renovations
Scheduled painting Unscheduled painting
Repairs of permanently installed building equipment Repair of department-owned equipment
Light bulb replacement Nonstandard light bulbs
Chalk or white boards Projector screens in classrooms
Chalk and erasers Markers for white boards
Clocks on building systems Clocks not on building systems
Unlocking centrally scheduled and centrally scheduled media classrooms Unlocking departmental classrooms
Keying of standard locks and keys Rekeying of locks & cutting of additional keys
HVAC controls to classrooms Window treatments
Repair of existing electrical outlets Relocating or installation of electrical outlets
Classroom seating and repairs Non-standard classroom seating and repairs
Lecterns or podiums Customized lecterns or podiums

Office of the Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor
The University of Kansas
Strong Hall, 1450 Jayhawk Boulevard, Room 250

Approved by: 
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Friday, October 15, 2004
Effective on: 
Friday, October 15, 2004
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Centrally scheduled classrooms: classrooms centrally scheduled by the University Registrar. These classrooms are open for scheduled instruction and reservations, and are equipped and configured for basic instructional support including chalk boards or white boards, movable or fixed tablet armchairs, tables and chairs, or similar types of seating. Many also include a ceiling-mounted data projector for use with an instructor-provided laptop.

Media classrooms: classrooms under the control of the University Registrar for scheduled instruction and reservations. These classrooms provide the equipment and controls for the use of a variety of multimedia resources as supplied and maintained by Instructional Development & Support (IDS). Standard equipment in these rooms includes ceiling-mounted data projectors, computers, VCR-DVD players, speakers and amplifiers, document cameras, and projection screens.

Departmental classrooms: classrooms under the control of the department to which they have been assigned by the University upon recommendation by the Office of Space Management in consultation with the Instructional & Mediated Space Advisory Committee. Departmental classrooms may be equipped similar to either centrally scheduled or media classrooms. Departmental classrooms include class laboratories.

Classrooms, Maintenance
Change History: 

11/04/2021: Updated contact section.
12/05/2014: Policy formatting cleanup (e.g., bolding, spacing).
10/27/2014: Fixed broken links under Related Other.
12/2012: Updated.
03/16/2009: Reviewed and updated to reflect name change of “General Purpose classrooms” to centrally scheduled classrooms.
10/15/2004: Approved.

Operational Categories: 

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