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Use of Electronic Signatures


This policy identifies the written standards governing the use of electronic signatures.

Applies to: 

University employees (faculty, staff, and student employees), students, and other persons doing business with the University of Kansas.

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 

The Kansas Uniform Electronic Transactions Act allows for the use of electronic signatures and electronic recordkeeping. This policy provides the option of using an electronic signature to persons doing business with the University of Kansas. Use of electronic signatures and/or records is subject to all University Information Technology policies concerning information and access control processes and Information Technology security procedures for adequate preservation, disposition, integrity, secure transmissions, and confidentiality pertaining to University electronic records.

The following written standards shall govern the use of those electronic signatures:

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the University accepts electronic signatures as legally binding and equivalent to handwritten signatures to signify an agreement. Approved and properly conforming electronic signatures are legally binding and equivalent to handwritten signatures.

Students may use electronic signatures to authorize all designated internal records and transactions, as may be allowed by University policies and procedures.

Employees may use electronic signatures to authorize all designated internal University records, as may be allowed by University policies and procedures.

Only University employees with signature authority (i.e., authorized representatives) delegated in accordance with the Contract Review and Signature Authority policy may execute contracts on behalf of the University. Such authorized representatives of the University may provide an electronic signature, in their official capacities, on contracts or other transactions on behalf of the University, by means of affixing that electronic signature through a secure certificate-based electronic signature service that has been approved by the KU Office of Information Technology. By providing an electronic signature through an authorized representative, the University agrees to conduct the contract or other transaction by electronic means.

For record maintenance purposes, the electronic record transaction system must have the ability for both the sender and the recipient to print or store a fully-executed copy of the electronic record.

Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

The University’s right or option to conduct a University transaction on paper or in non-electronic form shall not be affected by this policy.


Chief Information Officer
201 Price Computing Center
​1001 Sunnyside Ave.
​Lawrence, KS 66045

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Effective on: 
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

An “electronic signature” means an electronic sound, symbol or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record, document, or instrument.

e-signature, electronic signature, electronic signatures, sign, contract, record, online, authority
Change History: 

04/07/2020: New policy added to the Policy Library.

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