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Infrastructure Renewal Fund


To mandate the creation of a fund to handle future improvements on all construction, renovation, and repair projects. 

Applies to: 

Units on the KU Lawrence campus and its reporting units

Juniper Gardens
Policy Statement: 


New building construction and remodel/renovation projects often lead to infrastructure expenses outside the immediate footprint of the new or renovated facility.  Types of expenses may include, but are not limited to, improvements or enlargement of central heating and cooling capacity, water and sewage lines, electrical distribution service, communication and technology lines, and access roads. 

The existing University infrastructure also suffers from a backlog of deferred maintenance needs that must be addressed in the near future.  Examples include roads, heating and cooling systems and electrical system upgrades.



Because no specific state appropriation or other funding sources are available to adequately cover these costs, the KU Administration requires all new construction, renovation projects and Physical Plant Modification Request (PPMR) projects with a cost that exceeds $25,000 to contribute 1.5% of gross project cost to a revolving Infrastructure Renewal Fund (IRF). The fee shall be collected upon project commencement unless other payment arrangements are approved by the Office of the Provost.

In addition, 1.5% of the annual Education Building Fund (EBF) appropriation shall be allocated to infrastructure renewal projects. 

Expenditures from the IRF shall be approved by the Provost upon the recommendation of the Capital Projects Advisory Committee (CPAC).


Facilities Planning & Development
St. Andrews Office Facility
1515 St. Andrews Drive
Lawrence, KS 66047

Approved by: 
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Approved on: 
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Effective on: 
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
Infrastructure, Renewal, Deferred Maintenance, Renovation
Change History: 

11/1/2024: Removed broken link.
04/22/2021: Updated Contact section.
01/2014: Revised policy to permit payment of fees at times other than project commencement.
09/03/2013: The director for Design & Construction Management, the University Comptroller, the vice provost for Administration and Finance, and General Counsel reviewed and recommended approval of the policy to the provost. Approved by the provost and added to the Policy Library.

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