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KU Libraries: Access, Circulation, and Request Services for Students, Faculty, and Staff of Haskell Indian Nations University


To define and report KU Libraries policies for access, circulation, and request services provided to Students, Faculty, and Staff of Haskell Indian Nations University.

Applies to: 

Students, Faculty, and Staff of Haskell Indian Nations University using the University of Kansas Libraries facilities, services, collections, and/or equipment on the Lawrence campus. This policy applies to collections and services in Anschutz Library, Gorton Music & Dance Library, Library Annex, Murphy Art & Architecture Library, Spahr Engineering Library, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, and Watson Library.

Policy Statement: 
  1. Basic Library Access, Circulation, and Request Services are available to the Students, Faculty, and Staff of Haskell Indian Nations University (HINU).
    1. On-site access to facilities of the University of Kansas Libraries system during hours open to the public.
    2. On-site use of computers designated as Community Access Workstations for access to the Library Catalog and selected electronic resources (some restrictions may apply).
    3. Borrowing privileges for circulating collections.
    4. Use of Recall requests for eligible collections and of Retrieve from Shelf service for circulating collections housed in the Library Annex.
    5. Basic research help services.
  2. Borrowing Privileges for HINU Users of Lawrence Campus Libraries.
    1. May check out an unlimited number of long-term loan items for 6 weeks, and may renew the items 5 times via the Library Catalog before returning the items to the library or bringing the items to the library to check them out again.
    2. All long-term loan items are subject to recall at any time and must be returned within 14 days of the date on the first recall notice to avoid overdue charges.
    3. Short-term, reserve, and equipment loan items checked out for 2 weeks or less must be returned to the library from which they were checked out by the time due in order to avoid overdue charges and in order to check them out again.
    4. Items may be renewed or checked out again as long as there are no waiting requests from other library users, the borrower has active KU Libraries borrowing privileges, and owes less than $80 in library charges.
  3. Kenneth Spencer Research Library.
    1. Kenneth Spencer Research Library is open to all researchers including those not affiliated with KU or another academic institution.
    2. Collections must be used on-site in the library's reading room.
    3. Library users need to register for a User Account in the Aeon system, present photo identification upon arrival at the library, and use the Aeon system to request library materials.
    4. See Reproducing Library Materials for information about copying and printing in Kenneth Spencer Research Library.
  4. Scanning, Copying, and Printing.
    1. Free scanning is available in most library locations; bring a USB flash drive to save scanned documents or send them to your email account.
    2. Visitor Copy/Print Access must be purchased in order to print from the Community Access Workstations or to print from hard copy items.
    3. See Reproducing Library Materials for information about Spencer Research Library.
  5. Services Not Included for HINU Users of Lawrence Campus Libraries.
    1. Interlibrary Loan, including WebRetrieve and Document Delivery Services, is not provided.
    2. Off-campus access to the Libraries' licensed electronic resources, including databases, e-journals, and e-books, is not included.
    3. Retrieve from Shelf service is provided only for collections shelved in the Library Annex. TripSaver and Home Loan Delivery services are not available.
  6. Qualifications for KU Libraries Services.
    1. HINU Students must present a current HINU Student Identification Card and a government issued photo ID to initiate the request for KU Libraries services. Students will also be asked to complete an application form in order to collect contact information, and to complete this process annually to retain privileges with the KU Libraries. The HINU Student ID Card must be presented each time library services are requested.
    2. HINU Faculty and Staff must present a government issued photo ID card and proof of employment with HINU. Faculty and Staff will be asked to complete an application form in order to collect contact information, and to complete this process annually to retain privileges with the KU Libraries. The type of card issued to HINU Faculty and Staff will depend on the type of identification initially presented, and the resulting card must be presented each time library services are requested.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

This policy does not apply to the Wheat Law Library on the Lawrence campus or to the KU Medical Center libraries (Clendening, Dykes, and Farha).


Individuals who are no longer enrolled or employed at Haskell Indian Nations University will no longer qualify to receive the level of services reported in this document. The exception is that registered users at Kenneth Spencer Research Library continue to qualify for library services as described in this policy.

Approved by: 
Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services
Approved on: 
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Effective on: 
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Previously documented via KU Libraries website content.

Haskell, HINU, borrowing
Change History: 
12/10/2024: Updated Broken Links. 
11/02/2017:  Policy update reviewed and approved by Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services.  Added and updated links to KU Policy Library documents and to library website content in Related Policies and in Related Other sections.
12/15/2014: Published in the Policy Library.
12/08/2014: Revised, reviewed and approved for inclusion in KU Policy Library.
11/01/2011: Revised.
08/01/2009: Policy effective.
Information Access & Technology Categories: 
Information Access
Libraries Categories: 
Access, Circulation, and Request Services
Library Borrowing
Library User Responsibilities
Other (Non-KU) Library Users

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