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KU Libraries: Access, Circulation, and Request Services - Requirements for Other (non-KU) Library Users


To report the requirements for access, circulation, and request services provided by the University of Kansas Libraries for other (non-KU) library users.

Applies to: 

All library users who are not currently enrolled or employed with the University of Kansas, Lawrence and Edwards Campuses, and who are using the University of Kansas Libraries facilities, services, collections, and/or equipment on the Lawrence campus including:

  1. Reciprocal Library Users:
    1. Students, Faculty, and Staff of the Kansas Board of Regents institutions.
    2. Students, Faculty, and Staff from institutions participating in the GWLA Reciprocal Circulation Program.
    3. Students, Faculty, and Staff from the institutions participating in the UMKC Courtesy Card Program.
    4. Students, Faculty, and Staff from Haskell Indian Nations University.
  2. Resident Library Users:
    1. Kansas Residents, Adults age 18 and older.
    2. Kansas Residents, Minors not yet 18 years old.
    3. Kansas School Group Students.
    4. University of Kansas Alumni Association members.
    5. Students, Faculty, and Staff from Kansas institutions of higher learning not governed by the Kansas Board of Residents.
    6. Summer Camp Program Students and Staff.
    7. Faculty from libraries participating in the Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program (ARL/OCLC).
    8. Surviving spouses of Emeritus and Retired KU Faculty.
    9. Visiting Scholars not approved as Affiliates in Lawrence/Edwards HR records.
    10. Residents of Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Nebraska.
  3. All other visitors.

This policy applies to collections and services in Anschutz Library, Gorton Music & Dance Library, Library Annex, Murphy Art & Architecture Library, Spahr Engineering Library, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, and Watson Library.

Table of Contents: 

Chart reporting access, circulation, and request services; whether library services are available to non-KU library users; when the services are available; and requirements to use them.

Policy Statement: 
Library Services Requirements for Other (non-KU) Library Users
Library Catalog and Resource Discovery search Accessible to all users for searching resources from Libraries’ website.
Off-campus access to KU Libraries licensed electronic resources including databases, e-journals, e-books Service not available for Other Library Users. Many of the databases, e-journals, and some e-books may be used at the Community Access Workstations available in most Lawrence campus libraries.  A limited selection of electronic resources has been licensed for access by registered members of the KU Alumni Association. See KU Libraries Access.
Use of in-library workstations including access to KU Libraries databases, e-journals, and e-books Access is available to a limited number of Community Access Workstations and to Library Catalog Only Workstations in Lawrence campus libraries. The Community Access Workstations provide access to many of the licensed electronic resources including databases, e-journals, and e-books.
Scan, print, copy Free scanning is available in most library locations; bring a USB flash drive to save scanned documents or send them to your email account. Visitor Copy/Print Access must be purchased in order to print from the Community Access Workstations or to print from hard copy items. See Reproducing Library Materials for information about Kenneth Spencer Research Library.
Check out circulating library collections Requires valid KU Library Borrower Card. Haskell students must present a valid HINU student ID card and register for library checkout privileges. Cards are non-transferrable to another person. Borrowers who owe $80 or more in library charges will be blocked from checking out library materials until the balance due falls below that amount.
Online renewals of circulating library materials checked out six weeks or longer Requires a valid KU Library Borrower Card and login with KU patron barcode and last name. Haskell students, faculty, and staff log in with barcode identified when library privileges established.  Up to 5 online renewals are possible for long-term loan items checked out for 6 weeks provided the items have not been requested by another library user, and the user owes less than $80 in library fines, fees, and lost item charges.
In person renewals of KU items Requires valid KU Library Borrower Card and presentation of the items to be renewed or checked out again. Haskell students must present a valid HINU student ID card. Cards are non-transferrable to another person. Items may be checked out again if there are no waiting requests from other library users, and the user owes less than $80 in library charges.
Non-circulating collections Non-circulating collections including reference materials, closed stack collections, and many journal collections may be used only in the library. See also: Kenneth Spencer Research Library.
Place Recalls for items checked out to other borrowers (only items checked out for six weeks or longer may be recalled) Requires a valid KU Library Borrower Card and login with the patron barcode and last name. Haskell students, faculty, and staff log in with barcode identified when library privileges established. Confirmation of the recall request will require re-entry of the patron barcode number.
Retrieve from Shelf Service for items with Available status in Library Catalog The Retrieve from Shelf Service is available to Other Library Users only for circulating items shelved in the Library Annex. Requires a KU Library Borrower Card and login with the patron barcode and last name. Haskell students, faculty, and staff log in with barcode identified when library privileges established. Confirmation of the Retrieve from Shelf request will require re-entry of the patron barcode number.
Kenneth Spencer Research Library Kenneth Spencer Research Library is open to all researchers including those not affiliated with KU or another academic institution. Collections must be used on-site in the library’s reading room. Library users need to register for a User Account in the Aeon system, present photo identification upon arrival in the library, and use the Aeon system to request library materials. The Proxy Borrower Card is not accepted, and the KU Library Borrower Card is not required, for library services in Kenneth Spencer Research Library.
Proxy Borrower Card Service not available for Other Library Users. Exceptions may be possible in ADA situations. Contact the Circulation Business Specialist with an email message to libfines@ku.edu to request an exception.
TripSaver Service Service not available for Other Library Users.
Home Loan Delivery Service not available for Other Library Users.
ILL and Document Delivery Services (WebRetrieve) Service not available for Other Library Users.
Online payments for library fines, fees, damage, and lost item replacement charges Service not available for Other Library Users. Library fines, fees, damage, and lost item replacement charges may be paid in person at the Watson Library Checkout Desk or by mail to the address provided in the Notice of Fine or Fee from KU Libraries.
Exclusions or Special Circumstances: 

This policy does not apply to Wheat Law Library on the Lawrence campus or to the KU Medical Center libraries (Clendening, Dykes, and Farha).


Individuals who no longer meet the requirements for Resident or Reciprocal library user will no longer qualify for library privileges at the same level described in this document. The exception is that registered users at Kenneth Spencer Research Library continue to qualify for library services as described in this policy.

Approved by: 
Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services
Approved on: 
Monday, August 1, 2005
Effective on: 
Monday, August 1, 2005
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)

Previously documented through KU Libraries website content.


Patron barcode numbers: 1) Resident and Reciprocal library users with the older KU Library Borrower Cards should use the last 8 digits of the 16-digit number on the front of the card as the barcode. 2) Resident and Reciprocal library users with the newer KU Library Borrower Cards should use the 8-character barcode that looks like LBC00000 (enter letters and numbers). 3) Haskell Indian Nations University students use the barcode from their student ID card. 4) All others should use the barcode identified at the time borrowing privileges are established. Examples include: 900001, 800001, 1234567, SCH2171509, SUMPRO2176649 (enter letters and numbers).

resident, reciprocal, borrowing
Change History: 
12/10/2024: Updated Broken Links.
11/07/2017: Policy and other updates reviewed and approved by Assistant Dean of Libraries for Content and Access Services.  Updated and added links to KU Policy Library documents and to library website content.
12/22/2014: Published in the Policy Library.
12/11/2014: Reviewed and approved for inclusion in KU Policy Library.
10/01/2012: Revised.
08/01/2009: Revised.
08/01/2008: Revised.
08/01/2005: Policy effective.
Information Access & Technology Categories: 
Information Access
Libraries Categories: 
Access, Circulation, and Request Services
Library Borrowing
Library User Responsibilities
Other (Non-KU) Library Users

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